Function X 

Y-products from X-ingredients with Functional efficacy

Function X (FX) is an innovative start-up founded in 2018 with the aim to introduce functional food and beverages.
The name came from the idea to implement products as the outcome (Y) of a function of ingredients (X) which bring functional efficacy to our food and drinks.
The function is a process that combines each X element.

Our mission is to enhance health by consuming pleasant food and drinks which can substitute use of typical nutraceutical dosage forms (normally tablets, capsules, …)

Our vision

By-products derived from the production of fermented beverage will be used to produce nutritional food, under circular economy philosophy, and enhananced with innovative processes (e.g. fermentation).

Our focus

Our products are functional food and beverage combining:

Lo/No Alcohol



Innovation Roadmap

We established research contract with academia partners to help us characterise ingredients and analyse first prototypes

Our partners

Laboratorio Phytolab

Meraviglie s.r.l.

Birra Losa s.r.l. Agricola

L’Agro del Kiwi s.r.l.

Last news

Project on functional bites mentioned at Maker Fair 2021

L’aceto di kiwi è un prodotto innovativo, che non solo si presta a tantissimi usi in cucina, col suo gusto nuovo e particolare ma risponde perfettamente alla richiesta sempre più crescente di alimenti sani. La collaborazione nata tra L’Agro del Kiwi ed alcune università italiane, ha consentito di effettuare attività di ricerca per studiare le caratteristiche nutrizionali del prodotto, tra cui antiossidanti, antimicrobiche e antinfiammatorie.

Please contact us